BUTTERFLY chest of drawers and secretary
The BUTTERFLY chest of drawers and secretary by Miazzo is handmade from Italian wild cherry and an antique of tomorrow. The butterfly of the fittings is found above as inlay in the plate. The chest of drawers is built by one person who chooses the wood specifically for the grain. So, each piece is unique. Opening the top drawer reveals a wonderful secretary. The inner side is hand-cut and includes a door on the right and left and two drawers in the middle.
Width. 118 cm
Depth. 50 cm
Height. 90 cm
Delivery times
Approx. 3 weeks, when the chest of drawers is in stock, since the finish is done with the order.
Approx. 8-12 weeks, when it has to be manufactured.
Please ask for availability: Susanne Dessaive,